Dear Madam or Sir,

The Podiatry Foundation (TPF) is soliciting projects from researchers across the United States for the purposes of strengthening America’s podiatric medical education and to enhance, encourage and support research into this fundamentally important aspect of medicine.  Our objective is to select research projects that fully meet the requirements identified in this Request for Proposal (RFP).  We would therefore like to invite researchers from your organization to submit proposals in accordance with this request for proposals.  Within the RFP you will find all the information necessary to conduct a proper assessment of TPF’s requirements.

Proposals received between October 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 in response to this RFP will be considered for support.  Please bear in mind that the actual applicant must be a 501 (c)3 or (c)6.  If you would like to submit a proposal, please confirm your contact information by replying to the invitation email and sender with the following details before November 30, 2022, to receive detailed instructions outlining the RPF guidelines:

  • Organization name
  • Organization URL
  • Contact person (First Name, Last Name)
  • Email address
  • Telephone number


David R. Nicolanti, Ph.D.
Executive Director
The Podiatry Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio 44141
Phone (216) 513-8600

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Background and Scope


The Podiatry Foundation was created in 2012 from a merger between Kent State University and the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine.  Since then, we have been associated with several aspects of podiatry.  Now, we are becoming more involved with both podiatric medical research and the 10 podiatry colleges in the United States.

Specifically, we are interested in innovative educational podiatric projects for the colleges and groundbreaking research opportunities to further the profession.

Scope of the Project

The Podiatry Foundation is inviting all eligible applicants to submit research project proposals that can benefit podiatric medical education.  Projects should be in the $10,000 to $100,000 range and areas of focus may include, but are not limited to the following subjects – all in relationship to podiatry:

  • Conservative, non-invasive procedures and surgical podiatric procedures
  • Balance and foot mobility
  • Pediatrics or Geriatrics
  • Wound care
  • Sports medicine
  • Diabetic care
  • Trauma
  • Biomechanics
  • Private practice
  • Hospital systems and procedures
  • Foot, ankle and lower leg issues
  • Assessment and prevention of health issues
  • Prevention of amputation
  • Diagnosis and treatment of specific illnesses or medical conditions
  • Use of external fixation in wound care and limb salvage
  • New technology
  • Orthotics
  • Footwear
  • Laboratory testing and results
  • Imaging and image sharing
  • Medications
  • Podiatry students, residents and fellows
  • Lower extremity exams
  • Podiatric practice management
  • Billing and records
  • Advanced media systems, cloud technologies, networks and software.
  • Data and knowledge
  • Business model research

Project Clarification

The RFP is for well-defined projects undertaken by qualified researchers, their students and collaborators. Direct project costs may be shared by TPF depending on eligibility, and the individual project and budget, etc.
While a majority of the awards are expected to be for a period of one year, projects may range from one year to three years in duration. The projects can be at any point in the R&D spectrum that is consistent with the organization’s research, training and capabilities. Eligible projects include focused projects with specific short to medium term objectives and achievable milestones.  All proposals require evidence of detailed planning, sound budget justification and must clearly spell out the underlying assumptions, intended approaches, milestones and deliverables.

Projects that provide routine analysis, collect data without interpreting underlying mechanisms, or provide professional practice or consulting services (contract research) are not eligible. Similarly, proposals that involve the set-up and operational management of an institute, a formal or informal group of researchers, or that are principally associated with the acquisition and maintenance of scientific equipment will not be considered.

Supplier Selection


The process of selecting suppliers will be handled by Grants Review Committee of The Podiatry Foundation.


Criteria that will be considered in evaluating the proposals include, but are not limited to relevance to the profession; impact on patient car; impact on podiatric medical education; how will this project enhance or improve or further the profession; involvement of podiatry school faculty, students and/or residents; fit with the purposes and mission of The Podiatry Foundation, etc.

Evaluation of the Proposals

TPF will evaluate all proposals with respect to the terms and conditions outlined in the RFP to determine the feasibility of signing an agreement with your organization or institution based upon the submitted proposal. Our process for reviewing proposals will be by utilization of our online Survey Monkey link from The Podiatry Foundation website. This process provides for an initial Letter of Intent (LOI), a review of the LOI, and then proposal elaboration in a Full Application.

The Timeline for the RFP Process is Outlined Below

Event Date/Time Frame
RFP Issuance October 1, 2022
RFP Questions Deadline Ongoing
TPF Reply to Questions Deadline Ongoing through December 31, 2022
RFP Proposal Submission Deadline Via link from TPF website June 30, 2023
Estimated RFP Response Review Period by TPF Ongoing through June 30, 2023
Estimated Final Decision Made and Research Projects Selected Ongoing through June 30, 2023

Please note that all proposal submissions must be received on or before the date and time specified in the RFP.

Acknowledge Intention to Participate

If you would like to submit a proposal, please confirm your contact information by replying to this email with the following details by November 30, 2022 to receive detailed instructions outlining the RPF guidelines:

  • Organization name
  • Organization URL
  • Contact person (First Name, Last Name)
  • Email address
  • Telephone number

Once your information is submitted via email, you will receive a return email or telephone call with more information or questions, clarifications, etc.

Additional Information and Details Regarding the RFP

Supplier’s Cost for Document Development

Costs for developing the proposal responses are entirely the responsibility of the proposing party and shall not be charged in any manner to The Podiatry Foundation. No information in whole or in part will be returned to the respondents unless arrangements are made in advance of receipt of the proposals by TPF.

Please indicate the name, title, and location of the individual(s) who would attend if your institution were selected for further discussions and negotiations. The persons chosen to represent your institution should have full authority to approve any changes to the proposal and should reflect your commitment to our effort plus TPF’s requirements for account management.

Information Policy Regarding the RFP

Please note that all information submitted in the RFP will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with any other party that is not directly involved in the process.

RFP Response Checklist

During the time period when the RFP is open, suppliers are able to alter or update any given responses. When the session is closed, changes will no longer be accepted. All responses to the RFP should ONLY be submitted online, unless explicitly requested by TPF in writing.

In order for your submission to be considered complete, suppliers will have performed the following activities by the RFP’s closing date:

  • Completed online Letter of Intent, fully responded to all subsequent questions, completed the Full Application online.
  • Added all requested attachments

Contact Details

All communication between TPF and suppliers will be via email or telephone.

Technical Contact

For technical questions, please contact:

David R. Nicolanti, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Email :


TPF will treat all information submitted as confidential and will disclose this information only to its employees and those individuals bound by confidentiality who may from time-to-time assist TPF on this subject.

All information provided to you by TPF in connection with the process is to be treated as confidential and proprietary to TPF. As such, this material is to be used by you solely for the purpose of responding to this RFP. Access shall not be granted to third parties except upon TPF’s expressed and prior written consent and upon prior written agreement of the intended recipient to treat the materials as confidential. TPF may at any time request that any or all of its materials be returned or destroyed.